Saturday, January 12, 2008


Turns out it was a very busy December for us Chatfields. After all the excitement of the 23rd, and the craziness that was the 25th, we had a lovely relaxing Boxing Day at home. Well, not really! Nana and Grandad, Great Grandma Walker, Great Uncle Kevin and Great Aunty Helen, Kim and Chris and Mummy's cousin Narrelle all came down for a delicious BBQ dinner. Oh yeah, Uncle Dean was here too.

I had lots and lots of cuddles for Narrelle. Mummy thought that was very cute. She was also amazed by my new book from the Varvells. It's called 'Gallop!' by Rufus Butler Seder and the pictures actually move as you turn the pages. If you get the chance to check it out, it is well worth a look.

I got the chance to read lots of my new books... ... and I especially loved playing with my new bubble machine.
Uncle Dean and I played with Johnno - he really is a very good dog and i love him very much. He even sits still when I give him big cuddles now.
But just when I thought my December couldn't get any busier, it was time to go to the beach house...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Hannah, those bubble photos are so goreous ... or is it just becuase you are in the photo?!

Did you get to watch the cricket with all of the excitement around you?