Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Hi there. Welcome to my first attempt at uploading video footage onto my blog page. Given that my mum is helping me with this and the technological nature of it, it could be a complete disaster!

Anyway, the little video I have included shows me stepping out in the family room. I think I only take 3 steps in the footage, but I've made it up to five in a row now. And you should see me when I have my trolley that Grandad made for me to push around! I am a total speed demon.

You'll have to excuse Mum's very bad recorded voice - she gets a little excited when I am walking - hence the giant waaahoooo when I drop down. And you can see I am about to start reading my very favourite book at the end - it's called 'Where is the Green Sheep' and I love to turn the pages for anyone who will read it to me.

Hope you enjoy our little film and I will post again soon,