Sunday, October 29, 2006


How good are these pictures! When Uncle Paul first came to visit, he brought his wicked new camera with him. I hear he took nearly 200 photos - not sure if he needed to take that many to get a good one, or if I'm just so good looking that he couldn't help it... I'm going to assume the latter.

Now they say babies don't smile until at least 6 weeks old and if they do then it's just wind, but take a look at this pic and tell me that's not a smile! And besides, who doesn't have a bit of a chuckle when someone lets one rip...

Better go, Mum has decided to have a beer tonight so I better go and chase up a feed before it sends her to sleep!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I know I'm going back in time a little bit, but I thought I would post some of the photos taken when I was in hospital. This first picture is of my mum when she 'wasn't in labour'. Yes, that is the sad, sad image of a woman bent over in pain - if only she knew how much worse it was going to get... About 10 minutes later, Dad actually managed to convince her that they were real labour pains and we were off to the hospital.

The picture above is of me sleeping in my hospital cot. It was pretty comfy, but I really don't like having my hands and arms all wrapped up - I am an absolute jet at wriggling them out.

The picture to the left shows just how retarded Mum actually was at handling me at first. This is a particularly pathetic attempt to burp me. Don't worry, she is much better at it now.

Anyway, better go - Mum is getting ready for bed so that means I am too.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006


So here I am. Mum has decided that I needed a blog page so that the people who don't get to see me very often can keep tabs on how I'm going. I think it's a little excessive, but I'm not really big enough to argue yet!

As I write this post I am about 3 and a half weeks old - yes, I know I have excellent fine motor skills for a newborn, not to mention my outstanding literary ability. Mum and Dad seem pretty impressed with me. I am feeding well every 3 or 4 hours and am gaining weight at about 1 and a half the average rate. I still wake up a couple of times a night for a feed, but am pretty good at going back to sleep straight away.

I have been absolutely spoiled with presents and visitors and best wishes and I'm pretty stoked at the moment because my Daddy is on holidays and my Gran is visiting from Brisbane. My Pop is coming to visit soon too, he'll be here on the weekend. I can't wait to meet him!

Anyway, I'd better go and do some more sleeping and pooing but I'll post again soon.

Hugs and kisses,
