Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Mum had big plans after my birthday. She was so excited at all the wonderful pressies I was given and she had plans to take pictures of me with everyone's gifts and then to send those pics out on thank you cards - I am sure you are all still waiting for said cards since she still hasn't finished that! She's a bit of a shocker for having hundreds of unfinished projects on the go at once. So here are just a couple of the photos she has gotten around to taking.

The first is of me playing with my Mega Blocks from Mel and Jamie. I'm not very good at building yet, but man, can I demolish a tower in record time! A real demolitions expert. Here I am again, this time with the funky Little People SUV that Uncle Dean bought me. You should hear me make the car sound. Brooommmm brooommmm.
And this last pic (for this post anyway) shows my puzzle expertise - that and it is an absolute study of concentration.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a gorgeous young lady Miss Hannah - and I love your loot ... want to share :-)