Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Hello again. I know I have left it a while between posts this time, but I have been very busy growing... and growing and growing! That as well as shopping and visiting - it's very hard work being a baby!

Anyway, I am now up to 6.8kg - yes, that means I am putting on a kilo a month. I haven't been measured in the length department yet, but I'll let you know after my next visit to the child health nurse. I am really starting to hold my own head up well and am even pushing up with my arms when lying on my tummy. Won't be long now until Mum won't be able to leave me in random places like the lounge, or bed, or change table or I'll roll right off in an attempt to escape these crazy parents of mine.

The pictures I've included in this post are of my Nana and my Great Nana. I love them both very much and always love their visits (and it gives me a break from Mum!).

Time to go and look cute and drool a little more - I told you it was hard work being a baby!


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